These exquisite glasses are crafted in Sabae, Fukui Prefecture, renowned as the sacred ground for eyeglass production, where precision in detail is unparalleled. Sabae eyewear is celebrated for its intricate craftsmanship and innovative design. Artisans in Sabae are unwavering in their commitment, taking pride in the idea that their glasses become an integral part of someone's appearance. The renowned durability of Sabae glasses stems from the artistry of these skilled craftsmen.
For over a decade, Calee eyewear has been exclusively crafted in Sabae, always with minimal production. A select group of experienced artisans meticulously handcraft each pair of glasses, creating complex designs and delicate curves that can only be achieved through manual craftsmanship.
This Combi Type model features a blend of cellulose acetate and gold-coated metal, two of the highest-quality premium materials for eyeglasses. The lenses sport a light green tint, ideal for overcast or partially sunny conditions, suitable for year-round wear. These green lenses excel in reducing glare while enhancing shadow detail.
Lens Width: 46mm
Lens Height: 40mm
Frame Width: 137mm
Bridge: 17mm/
Temple Lenght: 140mm